Dale Wheeler Johnston
As many of us aspire to, Mrs. Johnston lived her 67 years with grace, purpose, enthusiasm, and goodness. Dale was a gardener in all aspects of her life: She nurtured and encouraged relationships among people, plants, and animals with a desire to see all thrive and flourish.
After retiring from her IT training manager career at Spring Industries, she directed her many talents and energies into the horticultural community in Mecklenburg County. As a dedicated Extension Master Gardener volunteer, she shared her extensive gardening knowledge and experience, and her passion for nature with our community. Later she was instrumental in founding and organizing 'Southern Roots'. This club brought her gardening friends together regularly to enrich existing and create new friendships through a shared love of gardening, plants, and nature. A gardener through and through Dale tended her family, her friends, and her plants with kindness, intelligence, diligence, thoughtfulness, and, above all, love.